We are a group of children’s workers from Devon, passionate about children.

Meet the Team.

The Gathering Kids has grown out of a desire to see a united children’s event in the area, owned and planned by a range of different children’s workers from different churches. We have formed a core team representing Exeter, Tiverton, Cullompton as well as Exeter ICE and SWYM but we are excited about growing the Gathering Kids as a wider group. Our vision is to encourage and empower kids to live for Jesus everyday.

Get Involved.

We have regular Children and Families Workers meetings to encourage each other, pray and share ideas. It’s also a great time to review and feedback on The Gathering Kids.

Come to our next Children’s Worker Meet. Book using the link.

Each of these is at 9.30-11.00 at Belmont.

Supporting Churches and Organisations.